SIFFX 2016
““SIFFX was the best thing to come out of this year’s Seattle International Film Festival. It was bold, ambitious, and, surprisingly, very local, with work by Tracy Rector, Steven Schardt, and Zoe Scofield. The films shown in virtual reality and at the Laser Dome at the Pacific Science Center were without exception wonderful. I have become addicted to this new direction in filmmaking.”
-The Stranger”
SIFFX 2016 was the inaugural year of a festival within the Seattle International Film Festival showcasing the most current and creative thinking in virtual reality, augmented reality and 360°immersion. It was held June 2-5 at Seattle Center.
Immersive projection of VR media on the historic laser dome in Seattle Pacific Science Center.
“I’m still processing all of the magic I experienced at #SIFFX2016 last weekend. I’m so honored to have been immersed in incredible conversations and brain sparks with so many talented people!”
- Dacia Saenz, FLY STORY artist
““From SIFFX to Forbes, VR and immersive experiences are the next big thing!”
- Jeff Barber, Transmedia storyworld creator